Thursday, August 06, 2009

sandwich solutions!

this morning radio 1 had a genius idea! rather than spending hard-earned pennies on new lunchboxes for the school/ office/ picnic experience, u can instead give the VHS case a well-earned comeback!

1) take one sandwich

2) clean out a VHS case from one of ur favourite videos

3) and Voila, a fabulous looking, highly affordable, and rather kitsch lunch box!! :)

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

what katie wore

my friend Ing discovered this most excellent blog site by katie and joe! it's simple really:

katie wears a different outfit every day of the year.

joe photographs her and writes a wee blurb.

people like you and me have a nosey and see whatkatiewore!


Monday, August 03, 2009

Drops like stars

is the title of rob bell's new book, just out on aug 1st! looks very interesting! his books always provoke some new sort of appreciation of the bible and faith in an actual relevant way! i find them refreshing! and am looking forward to engaging with Drops Like Stars!

'Official Description: 
We plot. We plan. We assume things are going to go a certain way. And when they don’t, we find ourselves in a new place—a place we haven’t been before, a place we never would have imagined on our own.
It is the difficult and the unexpected, and maybe even the tragic, that opens us up and frees us to see things in new ways.
Many of the most significant moments in our lives come not because it all went right but because it all fell apart.
Suffering does that. It hurts, but it also creates.
This book is an exploration of the complex relationship between suffering and creativity, driven by the belief that there is art in the agony.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

a few things of note, for tonite!

  • i am tired and exhausted in every way!
  • i have had an outrageously fun weekend involving coffee's, deep chat, bbq's, a 4am bedtime, probably too much rosy, some great company, top tunes and a highly satisfying full breakfast brunch at stravaigins!
  • this evening 6 of us went to the Arches for Alien Wars... only 3 went in, of which i was not one!! i suspected nervous disposition and nightmare tendencies would not combine well with massive alien, sharp claws, darkness, confined spaces and being chased!!
  • costa coffee only charged me £1 for a mug of steamed soya milk, vanilla syrup and marshmallows :)
  • fopp is my favourite shop. even when i can't afford anything it's so nice to wander about and lose yourself amongst it all! books, cds, dvds= perfect! it might (might!) even beat clothes shopping!
  • in the Oxfam bookshop on Byres Rd my friend's book is being sold! 'God's Never Offside'! now sitting at front of shelf of religious books!
that's all really!