Thursday, October 30, 2008

musings on today!

well, my irritating coughing and sneezing of last blog turned into a bit of a vicious chest infection resulting in a week off work and having to sleep upright so i can breathe without choking! not fun! however, after an emergency trip to the doctor i was given some nice strong antibiotics which finally seem to be doing the trick! hmm, altho havin researched this on the nhs website i'v been given the treatment for pneumonia rather than chest infection! anyway, i can now taste properly for the first time in about 5 days and am enjoying some sugary marshmallows and lemon zinger tea- zesty!!

despite being very bored this week and watching far too many episodes of One Tree Hill i have had a fairly pleasant afternoon sitting in bed and watching the world go by my window!! and there are a lot of interesting folk wandering around! here are some examples:
  • a menancing looking girl with green hair, black leather jacket, nose rings and a surly expression!
  • an old man with a big old beard on an old fold-up bicycle!
  • a man out running wearing a luminous yellow waistcoat thing and woolly hat!
  • a very well-dressed couple, the lady wearing an enormous fur coat, heavy dramatic make-up and with her hair in a giant bee hive! amazing!
  • 2 teenage boys chasing and trying to hit each other with their school bags!
i also had a nice chat with angus, our postie, this morning, as we keep getting mail thu our door addressed to this flat but to a different name. he said i can write RTS (Return to sender!) on it, but often it just gets chucked out. however, it has made me curious about this person who is not getting their mail, and i wonder if i've ever been sent anything of significance which has never reached me!?

i've also just discovered a whole new way of editing my blogs which allow me to use rainbow colours for typing! while this has me momentarily excited, i wonder if it'll be harder to read!? feel free to feedback!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

mad bongos 'n' that!

Today we took a wee wander down Ashton Lane, only to be greeted by the funky, rhythmic beats of Sambayabamba!! Oxjam had taken over the West end and the band had returned to raise funds for Oxfam by bringing a Latin flavour to another rainy afternoon in Glasgow!! they were fantastic and it was impossible not to shake it a little to their Brazilian- influenced tunes!! Vodkawodka were also hosting an afternoon of Scottish music to raise funds and there was, as usual, a great atmosphere down the Lane! so despite my incessant coughing and sneezing, it was a cheery wee afternoon!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

6 uninteresting things about me...

i just realised i was tagged by Rich to play this fun game!! or rather, to make this uninteresting list! here goes...

1. every day i get home from work and watch friends, scrubs then hollyoaks
2. i, like rich, also love making lists! its kind of a thing
3. i spent the other nite dressed in a giant paper bag
4. when i was ten i had an operation which left a big scar on my back
5. i have intolerance's to wheat, dairy and caffeine
6. right now my fingers hurt from guitar playing

I tag... San, JJ, Simon- uh-oh, i have to stop at 3 due due to time constraints, but watch out, i'll get 3 more of u!!!

Meme Terms and Conditions:

Link to the person who tagged you

Mention the rules on your blog

List 6 uninteresting things about you

Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them

Thursday, October 23, 2008

i heart jenny lewis!!

well, having finally had a spare second to sit down and blog, i can now revel in the beauty that was saturday nite! sweet sigh! jenny lewis was totally, completely, wonderfully amazing!! having reached almost new levels of inner excitement i was on the verge of exploding when, half way thru being served at the bar i heard the opening bars of her first song of the nite coming from the other room!! having marked saturday in my diary for weeks i am please to report she did not disappoint, and i fear i now have a complete female crush, haha! her vocals were rich and warm, she managed to pull off high waisted jeans and a polka dot, swim-suit style top with a hat and chunky red necklace in a way that almost had u rushing out to do the same (i say almost because in real life, there's just no way i could ever make that work!!!), and her stage presence was so captivating!

performing a perfect mix of songs from her latest album Acid Tongue, and some of her older stuff it was one of my favourite gigs, ever!! Under the blacklight was fabulous and a nice wee surprise toward the end! rich and scott were also v excited (on the inside, u could tell!!) but we had a bit of debate over her stage performance! scott felt she didn't really bring much performance wise, but really, when u ooze that much soul there's no need to prance around or whip up some audience interaction! everything about her was totally mesmerizing- she's so confident and even got away with kneeling down and crouching over whilst singing; she drank her water in time with the band, and just sounded wonderful!!! so, i guess i officially love her!!

i also had a wee peek thru the window of her tour bus and saw some very exciting, star- esque items such as, erm, a bowl of fruit, mircowave, kettle and some paper!!! oh yes, it was pretty cool!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

its just too early...

ugh, does anyone else agree that it is just way too early in the day to be watching food programmes on tv!? my husband is refusing to change the channel, so here, at 10:20am i am feeling slightly nauseous at the sights and sounds of fancy tv chef's pan-frying big slabs of tuna, yuck, and now a guy is eating squidgy, wriggly snails!!!!! its just too much for a saturday morning!

the other day i went to visit the Academy of Music and Sound in Glasgow, where they run a variety of music courses and teach lessons! needless to say i was pretty excited, and was on the verge of quitting my job to sign up to full-time guitar and vocals courses!! thankfully such extreme measures were not necessary as, before we left, the manager offered me a complimentary guitar lesson!! hee! so today i am off for my first lesson! and tonite sees the fabulous jenny lewis playing in glasgow- all in all a great day is comin up!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Live Your Calling

today saw the arrival of a book i ordered a week ago and have been hotly anticipating! Live Your Calling by the Brennflecks is described as a 'practical guide to finding and fulfilling your mission in life', and i came across it last week whilst researching into christian careers services! having spent some time looking into this, i came up with very little in the UK. As both a christian and a careers adviser i have recently found myself being approached on a fairly regular basis by people looking for advice and guidance regarding what to do with their lives/ how to discover their purpose/ how to recognise God's calling and what their practical response should be.

It got me thinking that there are so many people out there seeking direction, purpose and for a bigger sense of meaning in their lives. Everyone has different priorities, giftings, skills, abilities, experience and passions and it can sometimes be really tricky trying to even identify these, let alone try and work out what these mean, and what life direction to take. Every day i meet with people who have reached some sort of crossroad or turning point, and need support (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot) to work out what their next step should be! it is something i love doing and i guess this book got me excited because it appears to combine 2 of my main passions inside the one cover, a rare find thus far! so, as i begin to turn the pages i am curious and hopeful that it will have ben worth the wait...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

fisharama drama!

well, i am sad to report that i have somehow managed to no longer own any tropical fish! despite investing a small fortune in equipment (heater, filter system, thermometer, lightbulb, weird fish tank hoover suction thing), decorative features (namely fake purple plants!) and countless tropical fish i am grudgingly havin to admit defeat!!! (see sad-looking, empty tank below!)
my husband let out a small shout of joy as i flushed away our final fish, who, despite having rented room in my aquarium for the past 6 months or so, has decided to move on to a bigger and better place!! now i'm not saying i am giving up entirely on my aquarium dream, as this may be in fact the perfect opportunity to look into getting the ultimate pet dream- aquatic frogs!! either those or terrapins!! altho i have heard thru the tropical fish owners grapevine that terrapins can actually live for like, 15 years, and i'm not sure how ready i am for that sort of commitment!! perhaps some further research is required...!