today saw the arrival of a book i ordered a week ago and have been hotly anticipating! Live Your Calling by the Brennflecks is described as a 'practical guide to finding and fulfilling your mission in life', and i came across it last week whilst researching into christian careers services! having spent some time looking into this, i came up with very little in the UK. As both a christian and a careers adviser i have recently found myself being approached on a fairly regular basis by people looking for advice and guidance regarding what to do with their lives/ how to discover their purpose/ how to recognise God's calling and what their practical response should be.
It got me thinking that there are so many people out there seeking direction, purpose and for a bigger sense of meaning in their lives. Everyone has different priorities, giftings, skills, abilities, experience and passions and it can sometimes be really tricky trying to even identify these, let alone try and work out what these mean, and what life direction to take. Every day i meet with people who have reached some sort of crossroad or turning point, and need support (sometimes a little, sometimes a lot) to work out what their next step should be! it is something i love doing and i guess this book got me excited because it appears to combine 2 of my main passions inside the one cover, a rare find thus far! so, as i begin to turn the pages i am curious and hopeful that it will have ben worth the wait...
1 comment:
I am getting cynical about callings in my old age and can't get by Romans 12 vs 2 for covering all sorts of guidance.
And for how I decide what to do?- write things in my diary and do them.
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