Friday, December 30, 2005

post-christmas musings

[really written on 27/ 12/ 05!]
It's amusing how many people can't figure out how to get into Costa coffee on Bothwell St, including me! but now i get to smugly sit inside and watch others puzzle (secret: there's a door access button on either side of the entrance!)! i'm working today (for double time, woo!)and blogging onto the back of an order pad from work- it's horrible cos christmas is over and all the insane, elbowing, bargain shoppers are out in their droves, spending copious amounts of money on more 'stuff'. i'm all for a bargain but it's almost disgusting seeing how much people spend! this one lady today spent £284.03... on christmas cards for next year! and she was so snooty about it. that costs more than flights from london to new york with american airlines! NYC... cards?? it's not a tough call! it's only a month and half til i go to new york- Chris won flights which is great, but i actually have no money for everything else involved! got tickets for the Empire state building for christmas which was cool, and some dollars (but not as many as i'd hoped for... is that selfish!?? it's just that all the people usually guaranteed to give me money bought me (mostly rubbish- do they know me at all!??!?!) gifts! that sounds so ungrateful, but seriously, pink inflatable vibrating shoes!?) saying that i did get some super cool presents, incl. an amazing pair of pink and yellow peanuts pj's (all the way from canada) and some giant furry slipper boots! and 6 scarves! anyone cold...?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

my fun week!

currently sitting alone in a nice big office, with hundreds of files and a shredding machine for company! had a v. busy week but it's all fun! 5 of us went to Loch Lomond yesterday, it was such a laugh! we had a freezing picnic (complete with tartan tablecloth!) and wandered round Luss- oh, the nicest shop owner in the world works there- he offered us warm shortbread/ tablet/ puffed candy, with tea and coffee!! and its not even a coffee shop!! go and buy from him! he has large sheepskin rugs in a variety of colours outside his shop- i liked the pink one! there's some photos at the end!!!

had a very unimpressive meal in Di Maggios last nite with uni folk, altho the chocolate fudge cake was the exception! then went to Edwards, trendy- i've only ever looked in from my bus stop right outside thinking how sophisticated everyone looks inside, but now having experienced it they're really not! after i shred the rest of the office i'm going to see 'Narnia' tonite- i read all the books when i was wee but that was always my favourite! from the clips it looks like Mr Tumnus is a bit hunky, despite being a half faun! i'm in the mood for turkish delight now!

the brilliance that is Bell X1!

went to see Bell X1 play King Tut's saturday night- they were amazing! hadn't been to a gig in a while, which made it all the better- loved the atmosphere, crowd-singing and without question, the band! i only got into them a couple months back, but already im hooked. they played most songs from 'Music in Mouth' plus some new ones from 'Flock', officially released March (but somehow Rich managed to get a copy- i still cant find from where)! loved 'Flame' about toasting marshmallows- their lyrics always seem to combine slightly surreal alternate thinking with real, tangible things! so it was a great gig- just heard they're comin again in April and it's a definite in my diary! yay!

Monday, December 12, 2005

friends,phones & filling holes...

i love my friends!! my best friend kay got home today and i havent seen her in a whole year! it was great! its funny how some people can be away for an age, but when u see them its as if u havent been apart. i was thinking last week that the thing i hate most is people leaving, but i guess if everyone and everything stayed the same life just wouldn't be as interesting... or real !
but still, when people leave they leave a bit of a hole in you, or actually, maybe its that when they're with u they add something to ur life, and when they leave, altho they're gone, whatever they've added, and however u'v changed remains. so it's not so much they leave a hole, but have stopped adding in the same way. and whatever it was u used to add to them now needs to find another outlet to pour into. some people might throw themselves into a new project or interest, or spend more time with other friends. or sink into a deep depression over the person u have (sort of) lost.

its so easy to take people for granted, or to trick urself into thinking u dont have many friends, when really there might be loads of great people in ur life! iv been realising recently how texting is robbing people of actual friendships- instead of phoning for some proper chat a short text is sent, and u miss out on friendships with real people and replace them with a piece of (albeit useful, clever and quite complicated at times) piece of plastic!! so since i dont believe in new years resolutions i'm going to, from now, try and phone people more!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

anything unneccessary

it's funny how when u know u have work to do, u always find an alternate activity to occupy urself with, yet when u have free time u'd never fill it with such pointless things. i have my last assignment due tomorrow, yet this week i have: started sticking all my europe foto's into an album (even tho i'v had them since june!) ; been sucked into day time tv, including old ER re-runs (that i watch half of thru my fingers cos i'm so squeamish) and MissMatch (a truly excellent show involving a lawyer who sets people up in her free time!); had coffees with 4 different people; started this blog; read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho- it's actually excellent- very simple yet extremely profound with lots of layers to delve through, and bought christmas presents online!!! that's just ridiculous! and now, here i am, doing more of the same! later

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

bookworm underworld

since the summer, reading has upped itself into my top5 favourite ways to spend my time. i love how when u open a book u get transported into a whole other world; when u become involved with it time flies, u miss ur bus stop, but somehow thats ok. it's surprising how easily it consumes me and i cant stop- any sense of time, or self control is easily lost. last week i spent a whole day just reading. a whole day. what a waste in some respects, but sometimes i think u need to withdraw and immerse urself in another time and place. maybe i just like to justify denial of reality to myself,
but at the moment im ok with that.

my first ever blog!

the other nite i was finding it exceedingly difficult to sleep, so in my desperation, at 4:03am, planned out an entire blog, including interesting things i might want to blog about! we shall see how many of them make it on here. maybe i'l just keep this blog for me, or maybe i'll let u read it. if i've decided the latter then welcome, make urself at home i have no idea how to work these things either- i didn;t know what a blog was until i was enlightened but only a month ago! and i have just there discovered what a tag is! i don't have any yet but watch this space.