currently sitting alone in a nice big office, with hundreds of files and a shredding machine for company! had a v. busy week but it's all fun! 5 of us went to Loch Lomond yesterday, it was such a laugh! we had a freezing picnic (complete with tartan tablecloth!) and wandered round Luss- oh, the nicest shop owner in the world works there- he offered us warm shortbread/ tablet/ puffed candy, with tea and coffee!! and its not even a coffee shop!! go and buy from him! he has large sheepskin rugs in a variety of colours outside his shop- i liked the pink one! there's some photos at the end!!!
had a very unimpressive meal in Di Maggios last nite with uni folk, altho the chocolate fudge cake was the exception! then went to Edwards, trendy- i've only ever looked in from my bus stop right outside thinking how sophisticated everyone looks inside, but now having experienced it they're really not! after i shred the rest of the office i'm going to see 'Narnia' tonite- i read all the books when i was wee but that was always my favourite! from the clips it looks like Mr Tumnus is a bit hunky, despite being a half faun! i'm in the mood for turkish delight now!

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