well i am currently enjoying a lazy afternoon, having left the boys at the pub to watch more football than is healthy for one day!! 
right, so last nite's X Factor was shaping up to be an exciting one, what with it being Britney Spears night but i was actually left fairly disappointed! amid much slagging from those around me, the final 5

contestants belted out some Britney classics but for some reason it just didn't seem to work!! JLS performing Baby One More Time was definitively lacking and came across as bland, despite the original clearly being a catchy masterpiece!! ;) and Diana didn't really get going til the end of the song!!
it's probably due to Britney being so outstanding, no other artists quite measure up!!! however, after she came on the X Factor and mimed along to her latest hit Womanizer, i am now in the even trickier position of trying to convince husband that purchasing tickets for her 2009 European tour is a sound investment which will bring great joy and fulfill the top request on my Christmas wish list! sigh...
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