Thursday, March 12, 2009

i'm a superhero i am!

tonite i popped along to sainsburys garage for an innocent wee shop, only to turn a corner and be affronted by a man shoving a bottle of white wine down his jeans, and hiding it with his coat!!! shocked as i was, i picked up a jar of something useless and marched (subtly of course) to the security guard at the door to report this heinous crime! the 2 of us then crept round the store til i spotted him and could point him out!! 

as key witness i then hovered around the biscuits keeping my beady eye on this crook, only to once again be privy to him stuffing packets of sausages in his coat pocket!!! what is the world coming to!?! i caught the eye of a girl who had seen this too, we both had a shocked giggle and i updated the security guard who by this point had been joined by 2 colleagues, all rather fierce looking and practically blocking the exit!
what happened next u ask...
well, our shoplifting friend then attempts to leave and is stopped by the men in uniform! who challenge him very politely, at first! the stealer denies he has any store produce hidden on him, but this is quickly disproved as everyone can see the sausages sticking out his pocket!! disaster! upon being asked to open his (rather smart leather!) coat he gives up the pretense, pulls out the bottle of wine and a packet of sweets!! and then proceeds to ask for leniency as he is apparently homeless- question: where was he planning to cook the sausages!?!

the security guards let him off with a warning and a ban on returning to the store! What!?!? no punishment!? no being led away in handcuffs, or spending a nite in the cells!? the man staggered away and the security men thanked me for all my hard investigative work, before having a rather boisterous chuckle at " the world's worst shoplifter"!!!


Anonymous said...

I think I know this hapless shoplifter and it seems he was once at a Christian event called, Spring Harvest, or something like that, and he spotted a young Christian girl 'borrowing' a Cadbury's Creme Egg! Well, what was he to do? If it's okay to 'borrow' Creme Eggs at Spring Harvest then surely it's okay to take an evening meal away without paying from Sainsburys?

Anonymous said...

Detective Plews I presume! lol

Dougie W

lynzy said...

haha, u speak the truth 'anonymous'! i presume the only difference between the creme egg borrowing girl and hapless shoplifter is that Detective Plews has selective crime-stopping ploys, and perhaps enjoys creme eggs...