Saturday, April 15, 2006

a sad day today! :(

this morning the Americans left, and i was very sad, all day. partly because they were such great people and i made some wonderful friendships i hope will last. one of my most special friends is Julie who i met in 1997 on a youth exchange- wow, that's 9 years ago!! so i am really going to miss them. also, partly i was so sad because while they were here we shared a lot, and it was so refreshing and encouraging to be around folk who are so open and honest about their feelings, and struggles, and joys and challenges. including God, somehow, in most conversations was so natural, and inspiring.
real people, with real faith, real struggles and real hope.

as Scot's it can be easy to have a cynical nature when it comes to open and honest sharing- 'cheesy' being the key phrase, especially when its positive and involves talking about love, ' i love you man'!! but i think it's great. what better than to encourage and look for the best in others, to be open and honest about our feelings and the things we are finding hard, and to be willing to pray for each other, whenever and wherever.

i'm not saying we run around doing non-stop hugging, and welling up at the mere mention of our friends, but Jesus encourages us to love each other, because love comes from God, and to pray for each other and enjoy our relationships.
1st commandment: love God. 2nd commandment: love others. it's that simple.

so yes, off my soapbox, and back to the fact that although i cried spontaneously for most of the day, i am so grateful for having the chance to get to know, and work with such wonderful people. our last nite at Elliott's was fantastic- Patrick and Molly (Clover) did another beautiful set, i could easily listen to them all night! Moxie Bliss, unplugged and acoustic, were also once again brilliant- Suburban Angel will forever hold hilarious memories- Mockery Bliss forever!!

Mark and i also played a set, along with Christopher (our rocking drummer! thanx for 'I Will'!), which was SO much better than sunday's! i felt way more relaxed and confident, and was able to really enjoy it this time! now i'm tired and looking forward to some sleep before the build up of uni work hits and overwhelms me next week, which i fear is inevitable! time for some damage control me thinks...


Anonymous said...

hey lynzy and friends,

We miss you guys so much already. It was awful coming home and I just feel so odd about it and want to go back to badly already! The friendships we made were wonderful and unexpected and I hope they'll last forever too, you guys encouraged and inspired me in so many ways, it was the most amazing week of my life! And today was a very sad day, it's odd being back home and back to life, but I'll let you know when I'll visit again! Take care!

Justin R

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