tonite i had the honour of meeting simon varwell! after emailing a couple of times, i finally met the man who has been church-hoppping around glasgow, searching for the church God is calling him to! i have followed his notes with interest, as i'v also visted a number of churches he's rated, and whilst not necessarily agreeing with the concept of rating churches, it has certainly provoked some interesting and entertaining feedback! so simon, it was nice to finally meet u!!
tomorrow i'm meeting my tutor and i fear i will have to confess my brilliant

on a more exciting note, my mum bought me a ballgown!! she sneakily sneaked

who is currently in Romania, with a team of 6 others, working again at the baby hospital, orphanage and boys transition house! her and a friend set up a charity, Heart to Heart Scotland, last year to support the wonderful work going on there! check their website for more info. on the wonderful work they do!
alas i have run out of things to say- 'what?!' i hear u cry, 'not possible!'.
as true as that may be, instead of mindless drivel about the fact i have one finger nail painted a luvly shade of pink; bought some hot new plectrums (also pink); and took 10 mins to decide whether or not to have a bowl of ricicles and sultana's (i decided against, they'r more of a morning treat!), i will turn my mind to greater things!
hey lynzy! sounds like a...productive week? lol to procrastinate from uni work i go to wal*mart or out to eat or clean my room haha! I will pray for you though and hope it comes along, in eight days it'll all be over!
Hope your weekend was good, mine was good, I had some of you Scottish people in my phone book but no names attached to them (except for Christine and Mark P), so I dialed the numbers and called Adrian and Yvonne lol, it was funny! I went shopping too (not fun nessesarily but instead of clothes I bought used CD's! whoo hoo!) and ate Subway twice today.
I found out they had breakfast! She took a dodgy wet 'eggy patty' and put some ham and cheese on it. Quite good actually, a bit different! OK thats enough from me, see you all later! And I'll think of more fundrasin' ideas.
Lynzy, great to meet you and Chris too and thanks for your welcome last night! Good luck with all the final work this term, and see you back at St Silas soon!
AWESOME: A mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder inspired by authority, genius, great beauty, sublimity, or might.
Perhaps appropriate for the views atop a Scottish mountain, not really for a Britney key ring!!!
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