Wednesday, April 22, 2009

run into the ground!

after today's run i feel officially terrible! disgusting really. sore. achy. trembly. too weak to get off the couch and into the shower. to even move and get a much-needed glass of water. i think last week's craziness has got to me. spring harvest. 7200 guests. 55 stewards. 8am start and 1am bed. non-stop activity, cheerfulness and enthusiasm. it's finally got the better of me!

moan. about running. moan.

that is all.

(disclaimer: a more positive blog can be anticipated shortly- in the meantime let me encourage u to visit my 10k race sponsor page for a most worthy cause! and to make this wretched pain worthwhile!!)


Leigh Russell said...

Sounds very energetic - I'm impressed with your efforts in such a good cause.
If you've been following my blog, I'm happy to tell you that Cut Short, which has been displayed on all other amazon sites around the world, is now also available on

lynzy said...

thanks leigh! i had not been following ur blog but natural curiousity obviously then made me look and i may just buy ur book for a wee nosey! i may then review it on my blog! maybe!!