Tuesday, February 21, 2006

think think think...

today has been another think day. unproductive from the 'must do copious amounts of typing' side of things, but productive as i have been able to sift thru my cavern of thoughts, queries, illogical ideas, etc. and whilst i have not yet arrived at any fully rounded conclusions, i have come to accept that perhaps i never will. and that this is ok.
"it's good to talk" says BT, and i have to agree with them! having always been more of a verbal processor, it really helps to have people who are willing to mull over things with you, and not neccessarily seek out solutions immediately. but who are happy to journey along, working things out as we go.

suffering and God's role/ responsibility in it all is weighing heavily on my mind at the moment. i know all the sensible answers, but when you are really in the midst of feeling the pain and injustice the world pours out on others, it can be hard to remember that God knows best and has plans and purposes, to turn bad into good, and sadness into joy. honestly, it's hard to praise God and thank him (and there are so many good things, i know) when the hurtful and difficult and unjust things are so blatant, and screaming to be taken seriously and not glossed over with a 'God knows best' and 'trust God.'
which deep down i know are really the best things to do. it's just hard.


Anonymous said...

I have a few poems on -
if you click the writing page and then - Jimmy McPhee.
that say a little about suffering.
It's not my site so 'no blame' for the lay out.

Anonymous said...

Hi lynz
we had big chats about this the other night - it was great and refreshing to be so honest.

It feels sometimes to me that as Christians we have to pretend that we are totally convinced that God is control of everything that goes on when deep down we feel the complete opposite. It's funny when we start being honest about how we feel, how many others feel the same way. It's also startiling how threatened others can be when you start to question.

I think honesty is the key - not pretending that because we are Christians, that we know all things, feel at peace all the time or even feel we have to "blindly have faith" and never ask questions: because sometimes that is not enough when things are really hard.

I am coming to realise that God is big enough to take our frustrations and anger, big enough to answer our hard questions and patient enough for us to come back to Him when the time is right. We should be wrestling with issues like pain and suffering - and Jimmy, i liked your perception of Christ in your poem - it helped me see things from a new perspective - we do not suffer alone.

"And in that moment it became clear to me
that the suffering of Christ
and the suffering of humanity
are indivisible and ongoing"

Anonymous said...

Thank you Laura
it's good to hear that something you've written has been helpful.

lynzy said...

thanks for the comments and links jimmy! poetry is a great medium to express and process thoughts and reflections, and its nice to get a chance to read others and know there's other people out there who have also wrestled with similar things.