well, i didn't quite start my new job on monday- have had torrential cold and throat infection, so figured it wasnt the most hygienic way

to launch a new
restaurant! so i start tomoro now instead! i have heard from a reliable source that they're trying to get us to wear black bowties with our white shirts, but apparently they make us look like playboy bunnies, so they are now hidden in the back of a cupboard!!
went back to uni today and it was great to see everyone! i'v been voted social secretary after asking in our course meeting if we have a grad ball, so now i'll have to organise one! hehe! altho there's only 18 of us, so it could be a little... lacking in numbers!
also, my little
creative zen micro developed a faulty connection, and i was highly

frustrated to find i cannot find my proof of purchase anywhere. however, i called them up, and they were very helpful and are sending me a replacement free of charge! thankyou Creative people! only problem is, before sending back my dodgy one i had to make sure all my music and files were saved on my computer, and i'm not entirely convinced it worked! most are there, so fingers crossed! it's an excellent mp3 player- i did lots of research before buying and, for me anyway, it's definitely the best!
today was also time to post on the
lent blog- there's some really beautiful and thoughtful reflections on there, and it's a great way to stop and take time to ponder and pray. it can be easy to waste so much time on the Internet, and it's refreshing to read so many insights from a variety of people.
hey lynz, I love you and miss you A LOT! Good work on the blog! Oh and if you have started a new job does that mean you have stopped at wo's? K
hey hunny bee!! right back at u! u should blog too and keep us up-dated with all ur news!
haven't stopped wo's, still there on sat's but have literally run out of money so need some xtra income! so i can keep people like u in business ;) lots of love and prayers coming ur way xoxox
Bowties and a cold!
what a chance to feel stupid and contagious
Oh well whatever nevermind.
See you got mentioned in dispatches too for your lent post I thought it was exceptional myself.
I don't know a thing about ipods being the same age as Herr Blair I'm more into box record players and LP's.
jimmy why don't you just ask her out
Sounds good "anonymous"
Chris and Lynzy,me and Katie
a drink after church perhaps.
hey anonymous, all that mills and boon reading must be clouding ur head! and jimmy- who is katie and why dont u have a blog urself- we're all very curious about who you are!! other than a poet, blog-reader and into box record players and LP's!
'We're curious about who you are'
that's an amazing coincidence
I've often been curios about who I am myself and as I haven't really come to any firm conclusions it would be a difficult Q to answer.
If you know who you are maybe you could give me some pointers.
I put some tiles up in the toilet today and Katie is curious as to why they're touching the window sill on one side and about an inch below the window sill on the other side,she's gone all quiet,I'll have to make to b&q and get some kind of beading to improve on my good work before she has me doing it all over again.
Happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday Dear Jimmy
happy birthday to you
'Thank you Mr Budweiser'
'Your Welcome'
The toilet is almost finally finished
painted and new vinyl on the floor
sitting on the floor with the vinyl wrapped round my neck trying desperately to fit it round the poe with a level of competence that would make the woman in my life proud of me and visitors not laugh at me I began to think of Elvis-maybe - I thought - this was what he was doing when he died - a big fat man sitting on the toilet floor with an offcut of vinyl wrapped round his neck.
I also thought there are two groups of people in the world - people who were around when Elvis died and people who were born after he died - people who know he was a King who began a revolution in music and people who only know about the kitsch of a man who died in the toilet.
Is there an Easter message here I suppose there is.
This Sunday is Easter Sunday there is a definite message from Pink about it - 'Lets get the party started'!!!
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