i had a great time up North- i loved my work; met loads of wonderful people; did lots of walking, and learned so much (both from my placement, and living with jo!). i think however, that by the middle of week 3 the novelty was wearing off a bit, and i was beginning to miss things- especially people, but other things like my music (mp3 player goin on the blink, boo!), Glasgow, free unlimited internet access, singing, etc!!
i have a new job!
i start tonite working in a new Indian restaurant just down the road from my
house! it all seems very unorganised, as it opens tonite, there's been no publicity and the signs aren't even changed, but it should be a laugh! there's 6 waiter/waitresses employed- me, my bro. Mark and my 3 friends Laura, Colleen and Sandy!! and 1 poor girl who none of us know! so tonite shall be interesting!!
it's nice to be home!
Hey lynz,
well the second shift is over and me and sarah have concluded that everyone there hates us! it may be because of the slight accident while i was frothing milk at the coffee machine. In that all of the milk exploded onto the boss and me becuase i pushed the lever too far up. And sarah by accident threw part of the machine in the bin. just a thought though. haha.
look forward to working wit choo amigo - and yoga 2m!!! (cue eastern music and smoke machine)
L x
ps - we dont get to keep the tips. so we have decided to start a riot in the restaurant until they do.
no tips!?! that's outrageous- we only get minimum wage! am thinkin yoga's perhaps a bit too dodgy, but pilates is maybe a safer option!? or beanscene!?
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