A few weeks ago i was at a '
Light and Life' night in Starbucks, where there was the opportunity to meet with others and hear God speak thru different mediums incl. art, prayer, massage, music and dream interpretation. Having (typically!) arrived late most slots were already full but my friend and i managed to squeeze our names down for a spiritual reading and a hand massage! now, having been brought up a christian, and with a strong faith of my own i have always been slightly wary of 'spiritual readings' as there is always a certain element of risk involved when dipping into the spirit realm and i believe it must be done thru really discerningly seeking God, rather than attempting to go thru another channel. However, the nature of these readings simply involved 2 women praying for you and sharing what they sensed or heard God saying, something which i have experienced and been totally blessed by many times!
All i told them was my name and that i would like them to pray for me regarding my job. I did not mention what my job is or say anything more than that. As they prayed it was amazing as God really spoke thru them, they described many features of my job and re-assured me that i had no need to worry about the future of it. Now this interested me as i have been on a temporary contract since starting and a year down the line, when on my 3rd extension of it, i had just been summoned to a meeting to officially notify me of my 6 month contract end period beginning! they also encouraged me in different aspects of my life, mentioning specific areas of which i had told them nothing about, and i left with a real excitement and certainty that God is indeed very real and most definitely speaks today, as well as a calm reassurance about His plans for me!
So, skip on a few weeks to last Thursday! i had attended my meeting and was officially notified my contract would end in 6 months, thus began the back-of-my-mind deliberations about the future; sigh, what does this mean, should i start keeping an eye-out for new jobs, stress, stress, etc!! i know, i know,i can hear u cry, ' but what about what God said, have u forgotten already!?'. well, yes sort of. because ashamedly, circumstances can get the better of us and when faced with negative life happenings it can become all too easy to overlook God in it all, and return to our small, blinkered views of ourselves and our bleak outlooks!!
However, on that same week, just a few days ago, my chin was lifted as half way thru my working day I received a completely unexpected email saying that my temporary contract was to be made permanent!!! Permanent!!! a small miracle which not only left me totally excited and relieved, but served as a reminder of Gods word to me of a few weeks before, and how silly I was to doubt Him! I am now doubly excited given the other areas he spoke to me about thru the 2 women praying for me in Starbucks and i am already beginning to see the first few buds of something else coming into existence!! so watch this space...!!