this here blog is officially dedicated to laura, who is hurt she has not yet had a proper mention. my sincere apologies to u, dear lazza. u r a cool chic who also gave me most excellent christmas gifts worthy of mention.
but in fact, one of them has already been mentioned. and there's already a mention of u on here! and a photo! ... 2 in fact!! and you'v left a comment! what is this? are u trying to run my blog?? to take over and make it ur own?? if i were to use one of my new words right now i'd say i was umbrageous: 1. to feel offence or resentment! be warned!
that girl is a babe. i wish i was her - wow she looks so intellectual fun and insightful.
if only the world had more people like her
yes indeedy- i wonder who you are, anonymous commenter...!
are you still wearing that microphone lynzy? or should i say brian?
LOIRA STEVEN and Lyndsay Cameron! Both of you have better things to be doing that hanging out on the blog... actually, maybe you don't. So carry on.
Well done Lyndsay for use of new word. A new one every week and look where you will be by December... a whole new world. You can WOW Britney with words like 'music' and 'talent'.
As for your Loira Steven - you could work on doing some work! Otherwise you'll really need Lynsdsay (if she stops blogging and actually finishes her course... and its reading!) to get you a job!
Right, with that said, I am off to read some very important stuff for my Very Important exam tomorrow.
David david david. when will you realise that the answer to your exam is jesus. you dont need all those dead theologians to tell you that. why not be more productive with you time - you could for example go skinny dipping? oh no that's right you've tried that already.
answer is Jesus... tell me, what's the question?
But thanks for the advice Loira. Now you get back to your course that tells you how to LISTEN... oh yes, and say Hmm, yeah, I understand... blah blah blah...
OOooh this feels like a war! (but let's turn our attack against Lyndsay!! Deal?)
Hmmm - is someone feeling defensive? do you want to talk about it?
i couldnt possibly turn against lynzy who has graced her blog with my portrait.
nice try skinny-d
call that grace? i shouldn't wonder if your computer is working... or are we seeing the same thing?
so frosty Loira, this is war.
Skinny D
(naked and free!)
Dear naked and free
perhaps you would like to contribute something intellectual to this blog as you are lowering the tone.
And just because you eat overpriced stinking cheese does not make you an intellectual
love Dairy lea and free
To explain the liberation... this is a cooment left on my blog ( www.20six.co.uk/raisingthedeadinme ):
"We have some interesting times in our flat. We embrace the inner lesbian on occassion, whilst maintaining an unwarranted suspicion of outsiders, we even err on the side of socialism when it comes to the mince pies on the second shelf (whose are those anyway?)but something new happened at approximately 3am this morning. Something so totally paradigmatic of the 1960's embossed wallpaper hiding under the magnolia paint, something so 'now'....something so 'David and Deborah.' Jogging (one hopes with a slow gait) and totally liberated from the constraints of clothing, they imposed themselves upon the east sands in a way that can only be described as 'illegal in most countries.'"
aye. but when it comes down to it - you are just a naked guy on a beach
oh dear goodness! firstly, Mr Important Exam- pot, kettle..! secondly, yes, only highly intellectual comments on my blog please- this isn't for fun u know (serious face!) thirdly, i went from being rather elated to completely deflated in a matter of seconds, upon opening my inbox to find 10 new emails, 9 of which were blog comment alerts... thanx guys!(on saying that i did actually start laughing out loud in the library, receiving some not too pleased glances from my fellow hard-working students!)
4 photos intentional? or cock up?
not intentional! i still have no idea how i managed to put it in 4 times, but in light of the topic, i'd say it worked out ok!!
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