tonite i'm off to see Dar Williams, thanx to Dave introducing me to her this week! i love her! so i'm quite excited, and i also get to see Richard and Erin who i shared a flat with for Clan Gathering the past 2 summers! they are very cool, and Erin is my fellow-member of the 'telling the most boring stories club'! today has been a fun pyjama day which began by watching 'Sweet Sixteen', where spoilt american kids get their parents to spend outrageous amounts of money on their sweet 16th party! yesterday was fun too- our lecturer made a boring topic very interesting (in contrast to the day before, where the very interesting topic of psychology was made mind-numbingly dull, shudder) and i met friends for coffee at 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 respectively! altho i don't drink coffee, just peppermint tea! i'm going to wear my new pink twirly skirt tonite- love it!
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