Sunday, January 29, 2006

tonite i was scared... twice!

tonite i went to st silas, which once again was really good- thanx rev mcarthy- but im too tired and cold to expand on anything deeper- maybe tomoro! but afterwards i went to the pub, and at half 9 went to get a bus home. not my most inspired idea- the buses out there are so irregular and there is no timetable. eventually, after freezing for long enough i thought, aha, get the underground! so i walked down by kelvinbridge... and got scared!
it is badly lit, so u cant see if there's anyone hiding under the bridge or under the stairs! i have a wildly active imagination and am not particularly fond of the dark, so made a mad dash across the park, and car park, until i reached the underground. which, (please take note) at half 9 on a sunday nite, is closed. i was very jumpy by this point, and didnt have my panic alarm on me (girls, u should all have one!)( and take it with u!). so then i was like, oh no, i'll have to go all the way back across to wait on the bus. after psyching myself up for a while, i started heading across, only to chicken out/ think sensibly, as the bus sailed by !

my knight in shining armour then said he'd come and collect me (hurrah) so i walked to charing cross (cue second scare...). it was kinda quiet for such a normally busy road, and as i stood at the green man i sensed someone behind me. i turned round, to find a scary looking man hovering a little too closely. i slowed my walk, he passed by, then slowed his walk, to the point where i wanted to stop and tie my velcro shoes!! i was feelin very nervy by this point, but then i thought, no, be brave, smile friendly at him- he's less likely to mug u if ur nice to him!! so, i came level, smiled friendly, and said, 'brrr, it's cold tonite, eh'!? he smiled back, seemed a little less scary, then asked where i was going, what my name was, and told me he was single!!! haha- men!

so that was my kind of scary night- i know its a bit of a boring story really, but im home alone now, and im still feelin jumpy, so i dont really want to go downstairs yet! thanx for reading all the way thru- u will be rewarded for ur patience, i am sure!!
have a lovely, non-scary day!

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